The first link I looked at was from one of his newer blogs about The worlds largest things. I have been wondering what some good ways to utilize Google Maps or Google Earth in the class room would be. I really love Richard's idea about developing a scavenger hunt to look for these objects.
I also looked at his link from Youngzine about a science lizard project. I always love when science lessons involve hands on activities, especially when students get to interact with living organisms.
The last link I spent a lot of time exploring was about how to create meaningful lessons on the iPad.
The iPad article was great to read and look through because I try to incorporate that into lessons and teaching as often as possible. Sometimes it can be hard to brainstorm ways on your own to develop these lessons, this guest blog helped me get some good ideas.
I think that anyone who was willing to would be able to create a blog similar to this to help teachers. Richard is very passionate about technology, that much is very obvious from his blog. I think finding new ways to get technology into the classroom is very important. If I come across great ideas like his I can add them to my blog, or keep a account of some of the things I have thought up to start gathering a collection of technology based lessons.
Good post! I really like how you included the link to the posts that you explored. I agree with you that his blog inspires new ideas for us and that using blog is an easy way to share ideas with others.